Dr. Kerry Emanuel is a prominent meteorologist and atmospheric scientist who specializes in meteorology of the tropics, the dynamics of our changing climate and tropical cyclones. With more than 30 years of research experience, Dr. Emanuel was among the first scholars to theorize that a warming climate intensifies hurricanes and typhoons. He is the Cecil & Ida Green Professor of Atmospheric Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he also co-founded the MIT Lorenz Center, a climate think tank that fosters creative approaches to advancing our understanding of and response to the changing climate. Dr. Emanuel has authored more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers and three books.
Dr. Emanuel joins Nuclear Matters for an exclusive interview to discuss how he first became involved in the fight against the climate crisis and why he believes nuclear carbon-free energy must play a pivotal role in tech-neutral climate solutions.
“As a Matter of Fact” is a new interview series powered by Nuclear Matters which gives experts and thought leaders a forum to discuss nuclear energy’s role in protecting the environment, promoting economic stability and enhancing national security.