The Brattle Group report also detailed the significant impact of nuclear plants on jobs in Ohio. These nuclear facilities are responsible for approximately 4,300 direct and secondary jobs in the state. Further, private sector contractors provide approximately 244,100 man-hours (about 122 full-time equivalents) for those who work at the plants on a regular, but intermittent basis for refueling or maintenance activities, including electrical workers, pipefitters and other skilled craftsmen.
The findings by The Brattle Group reinforce a report conducted in 2015 further demonstrating the crucial role the nuclear facilities play in helping Ohioans maintain safe, reliable and affordable electricity.
Nuclear plants in Ohio also provide significant environmental benefits, according to the report. The nuclear energy industry in Ohio will prevent 9.3 million metric tons of CO2 emissions annually over the next ten years, valued at $548 million per year. Collectively, the results confirm that nuclear energy is a critical part of the state’s energy mix.
The report was commissioned by a diverse group of local and national groups seeking to quantify the unique value these facilities provide to residents of the state of Ohio. Sponsors include Nuclear Matters, a national coalition created to educate stakeholders about the value of nuclear energy, and numerous state and local organizations concerned about the impacts of closing the plants including Affiliated Construction Trades Ohio Foundation, Mechanical Contractors Association of Northwest Ohio, Ottawa County Improvement Corporation, Regional Growth Partnership (Northwest Ohio) and Team Northeast Ohio.
“Over several decades, the Davis-Besse and Perry Nuclear Power Plants have provided millions of work-hours for our members and their families through facility maintenance and safety upgrades. Nuclear power represents a key part of our ‘all of the above’ approach to electrical generation in the State of Ohio,” said Matthew Szollosi, Executive Director of ACT Ohio. “Our goal is to help ensure these power plants remain viable for many years into the future.”
"FirstEnergy's nuclear plants are a vital part of a balanced energy portfolio in the State of Ohio,
combining baseload generation and energy security in the market. Adding the overall economic impact the plants have throughout the state provides a compelling argument for the need to preserve Ohio's nuclear assets," added Jamie N. Beier Grant, Director of the Ottawa County Improvement Corporation.
“The energy industry, and particularly the state’s nuclear power plants near Toledo and Cleveland, are making significant investments in our local communities, providing jobs and contributing important tax dollars to the regions where they operate,” continued Dean Monske, President and CEO of the Regional Growth Partnership. “We support these important businesses which are foundational to helping continue to grow vibrant local economies.”
“This study paints a dire picture of what will happen if these plants are allowed to close,” stated Nuclear Matters Advocacy Council chair and former U.S. Senator and Governor of New Hampshire Judd Gregg. ”I know firsthand the important role nuclear power plants play. These facilities provide affordable, consistent and reliable energy for residents, and generate significant economic benefits in the communities where they operate. When one of our nearby nuclear plants, Vermont Yankee, closed prematurely in 2014 we saw the loss of jobs and significant taxes that keep these communities thriving. Unfortunately, this is a fate that Ohio’s nuclear plants and local communities now face.”
Click here to view the report and its findings and follow the conversation on Twitter at @Nuclear_Matters.